Wallet Craftsman
After six consecutive weeks of releasing new features, we will move to the craftsman stage, focusing on the previously released products.
The new version of the DeFi Wallet3 will be released this week. The latest version is available for Mac and Windows. It supports Polygon, Optimism… network, and improves WalletConnect.
BSV Wallet ChainBow, improved the process of sending satoshi and added the stages of confirmation and filling in remarks. At the same time, it records the fiat currency exchange rate when sending, and you can check it in the historical record at any time.
It modified the UI display in Dark mode.
It modified the details of WalletConnect to improve the interaction with Dapp.
It modified the bug of the Doudizhu demo. You can also play it on iOS at present.
This week’s new product is mydapp.io, which provides a list of dapps supported by our Wallet3 and ChainBow. Welcome to submit your dapp.
Many issues have been fixed piecemeal this week to improve usability. This stage requires some time to improve the quality of the product patiently.
Japanese is called
匠の心(Heart of Craftsman)
It is called Craftsman’s spirit in Chinese.
Welcome to contact us if you find any problems or have suggestions for improvement.
The blockchain wallet is the entrance to the Metaverse, and the digital currency is the lubricant of the Metaverse. It integrates the virtual world and the real world.
We are building the entrance.
Note: It is currently an alpha/beta version. Please only recharge a small amount of Satoshi experience. And be sure to back up the mnemonic phrase and restore the account at any time.
Donwload and install wallet
Defi Wallet: https://wallet3.io
BSV Wallet: https://chainbow.io