ChainBow BitcoinSV Wallet v1.0

We are delighted to announce the release of version 1.0 of ChainBow BitcoinSV Wallet.

  • It is a wallet for the Web3 era based on the original Bitcoin protocol.
  • Support CUP Token protocol, and users can create tokens by themselves.
  • Support BIP270, Paymail payments, and Sweep private key transfer.
  • It can be used as smartphone cold wallet, paid by watch wallet. SimplyCash-compatible.
  • Connect to DApps through WallectConnect v2.0 technology.
  • Multi-platform, Multi-account, multi-language mnemonic, multi-language interface.
  • Support other wallet mnemonic import. It can customize mnemonic paths, support mnemonic passphrases, and support single address wallets.

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ChainBow for Web3

Bitcoin Wallet, Ethereum&EVM, Blockchain Notebook NOTE.SV, all products are for Web3